Muscle Booster App



Muscle Booster Review

If you’re into fitness or decided to get fit just this year, this review is for you. No gym membership is required! You can start working out in the next few minutes with workouts tailored specifically and uniquely for you! It also takes care of your food. 

Yes, it’s available on both Android as well as iOS devices. Let’s get started then? 

What is a Muscle Booster?

Muscle Booster is a personalized fitness and diet app that currently boasts over 60 million users.  It helps you with workouts and exercises that are tailored best to your goals, routine, preferences, target muscles, etc. 

In simpler words, you can think of it as an experienced gym trainer. Depending on what you tell the trainer, you’d get feedback and suggestions on what to do next.

It has videos, animation, and very clear directions that not just instruct but show you how things are supposed to be done.

Key features of Muscle Booster 

Here are a few of the primary features that Muscle Booster offers:

Personalised and custom-tailored 

Unlike a lot of fitness apps out there, Muscle Booster isn’t generic. I liked the fact that it takes my age, body type, target areas, previous experience, motivations, and a lot more into account before setting up my plan for me. 

Muscle Booster Dashboard

When setting up, it’ll ask you what you wish to improve, how much you walk daily, your BMI, etc. This ensures the exercises and diet are best for “my body” cause hey everyone knows “eat Apple”. It’s the quantity, frequency and other details we need a trainer for, don’t you agree?

The setup takes about a minute at best as everything is a choice-based prompt. 

Different types of workouts

Everyone has their own goals. You may be looking for Cardio or maybe it’s strength training you’re more focused on. Muscle building is another very common reason people start working out, isn’t it?

type of workouts at Muscle Booster

Despite its name, Muscle Booster isn’t just for boosting muscles. You can choose exactly what you wish to do on the app and it obliges.

Animated & guided workouts 

Even I can say -go do those pushups. Well, not very effective, is it? Muscle Booster doesn’t just tell you what to do. It “shows” you the process. There’s an animation/graphic video showing the muscle being affected by specific workouts as well as audio guidance!

workout guides at Muscle Booster

An in-built timer guides you just like a real-life trainer would. You can pause exercises or even go back to the previous exercise. 

Suitable both for Gym and home workouts 

So this is something that was a decisive factor for me. Muscle Booster workout planner isn’t just for gym workouts. It has a dedicated option for home workouts as well.

This changes the pace, exercises, and everything else for your workout. It also ensures you can start using the app and working on your fitness anywhere. 

And yes, the gym feature can be used as an additional help even if you’ve got a trainer in your gym.

2500+ recipes (yes, customized for each user)

I don’t often see fitness apps offering diet plans, 2500+ at that is even rare, and then its custom-tailoring makes it almost unique.

Muscle Booster tells you what to eat when to eat, the calories in it, and of course the recipe. 

This isn’t generic. The suggestions are based on your personal selections, fitness level, and preferences. This means you wouldn’t have to adjust the diet based on your office or work schedule, the app will adjust for you! 

Smartwatch integration 

Smartwatches and health bands have become integral parts of our lives. Well, Muscle Booster can be integrated with your Smartwatch or health band seamlessly.

Smartwatch integration at Muscle Booster

This lets you control, play, pause, and take instructions on the go. Let’s be honest, looking at a watch is way easier than looking at a phone, isn’t it?

Benefits of using Muscle Booster? 

Okay, the obvious definitely is -you get fit! But there’s a lot more than just that when it comes to Muscle Booster! 

  • Personalization:  Even a fitness trainer can’t remember everything you tell them, Muscle Booster does. Everything that you get on MB is customized and personalized for you. 
  • Free trainer and dietician: What you pay for Muscle Booster is basically like your gym membership. With it, you’re getting a free trainer as well as a dietician. 
  • Track your data: I like seeing my progress. Muscle Booster stores your progress and even adapts accordingly.
  • Suits everyone: A lot of folks don’t hit the gym simply because they’re socially awkward or are introverts. Well, Muscle Booster doesn’t care.  You can use it regardless of whether you like or dislike human interaction. 

While there are a few more benefits, I’m sure you’re getting the general idea, aren’t you?

Things to Consider Before Using Muscle Booster

Like any fitness app, or literally anything else, there are a few things you need to take into account before committing to it. 

  • Your goals and physical features: Muscle Booster is a very personalized app. Hence, it’s very important you’re clear about what you want, your weight, height, eating/sleeping, and other habits. Giving clear instructions helps you get the best possible results.
  • Do your own research: Muscle Booster, or any app, despite their best efforts should always be backed with your own research. Always ensure your body is compatible with the food and workouts being suggested. It doesn’t know what you’re allergic to, or that surgery you had as a kid. 
  • Commitment: Did you know nearly 30% of people take up “hitting the gym” as a New Year’s resolution? But then, 80% of those quit within 5 months as well. Hence, I’ll suggest taking up a fitness app only if you’re truly committed to it. 
  • Annual vs. monthly plans: A good way to ensure commitment (and to save money) is to pay yearly. For starters, you’d be investing money which is a pretty big motivator don’t you agree? And then, paying yearly generally gets you a pretty neat discount so you’re winning on both fronts. 


That’s about it folks. I’m sure you’ve got a decent idea as far as Muscle Booster goes, haven’t you? 

If I compare it to apps that I have used, I’d say it definitely is one of the top 3. It’s extremely personalized, the instructions are clear and visible, tracking is perfect and then there’s smartwatch integration. 

But hey, don’t take my word for it. Get off this Muscle Booster review and give it a try eh?


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