advantages of blogging for students

In 2023, Here Is Some Of The Advantages Of Blogging For USA Students

In 2023, here is a list of the advantages of blogging for students. This post is based on my personal experience blogging while I was a student.

When done correctly, blogging may alter your life not only financially but also educationally.

What is the best part? If you follow this instruction, you will not only learn about the benefits, but also how to build your own blog for (nearly) free.

Even if you lack the necessary time, talents, or energy, I will do it for you for free (read on).

Let’s explore whether blogging may help you as a student.

Why does blogging still work for students?

Blogging has grown more frequent and saturated than it was 10 years ago, but this is a positive thing.

Everyone is starting a blog since it is now much easier to do so. This has attracted a large number of average/mediocre bloggers to the business.

As a result, with a little more work and quality, your site may genuinely stand out. When you stand out, you will definitely receive more visitors, backlinks, sponsorships, and everything in between.

So, here’s how blogging can benefit kids.

1. Make money

“Earning money” is the most important and arguably most enticing perk to most students. A blog may earn you money in a variety of ways, even while you’re asleep.

This effectively implies that once you’ve monetized, you’ll be earning money even when you’re studying, taking a test, or even sleeping.

Here are just a few of the numerous ways a blog might earn money:

Ad money can be earned in a variety of ways. You may get paid to show ads on your website or even to generate a certain number of clicks to a certain sponsor.

Sponsored posts: You get compensated for writing reviews or just mentioning sponsors on your website. Depending on your specialization, you may receive sponsorship from nearby shopping malls or businesses.

2. Work from home or from a distant location

It is not practicable for you to go to a “office” as a student. That requires a significant amount of time and energy.

3. Improved writing abilities

Blogging (exclusively text blogging, not Vlogging) is a career that needs a lot of writing. This enhances your writing skills without you even realizing it.

That is because when you blog, you will most likely utilize programs like Grammarly or even MS-Word.

These tools emphasize and display your mistakes. As a result, your brain recognizes these errors and stops you from repeating them in the future.

Bloggers may work from anywhere as long as they have a laptop. You might be at home, school/college, or simply taking a coffee break.

4. Increase your knowledge

Of course, you can only write about anything if you know something about it. This is why I recommend that students create a blog about their subject/niche/industry.

This will enable you to make money while simultaneously expanding your knowledge. Of course, you will need to study extensively before you can share your expertise with the general audience.

More importantly, the internet is a depressing environment. You will be called out if your information is incomplete or incorrect. More significantly, with such erroneous information, your blog would not be effective.

As a result, if you want to be a student blogger, you’ll need to broaden your expertise.

More importantly, as you construct your blog, you will learn about WordPress, backlinks, and SEO.

5. Recognition/awards/branding

When you create an excellent blog, you will be recognized. At the very least, you’re known in the business for knowing what you’re doing.

More importantly, contests and/or prizes are frequently held for bloggers. You can win those contests/titles and show the badges/trophies on your site if you have a decent blog.

These help you get even more credibility, which leads to even more traffic/money/branding, and so on.

Network Manager As Gale correctly stated, “your network is your net worth.” o

Even now, networking is undervalued. When you create a blog, you will encounter individuals who want to learn from you or who know more than you do.

In both scenarios, you’re meeting folks who have similar interests to you.

This aids in the formation of a community and a network. There are several applications for this. To begin, you may form a group on Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, or anywhere else to assist one another.

Monetizing this network is a more aggressive method. You can sell your own items or advertise the products of others to this audience.

Finally, you never know what doors the proper person or contact will open for you.

7. Gaining experience and enhancing one’s résumé

If you have a blog, you may incorporate it in your resume and other places. This shows potential employers that you’ve created something that most other applicants wouldn’t have.

8. New possibilities.

You might establish a blog just for the purpose of “sharing your knowledge.” However, a blog may frequently lead to several other chances.

You may come across fresh product ideas, do research, form new collaborations, recognize a need and develop supply for it, and much more.

The point is that what begins as a simple idea-sharing endeavor may quickly become much more, possibly life-changing.

Indeed, if you have a decent blog, you may provide statistics/recognitions/awards, and if they are from the same field as the job you’re looking for, it certainly amounts to something, doesn’t it?

How to build a blog in 5 seconds for just Rs. 69 per month!

You read it correctly: you can set up your blog in 5 seconds.

Simply email us at We will create your blog and email you the login information without you having to do anything. And, sure, this service is completely free. We would not charge you for our services.

You may also design the blog on your own.

Here’s a full step-by-step instruction with screenshots on how to establish a blog.

And, yes, the guide I linked to above does employ one of the industry’s cheapest hosts. It costs Rs. 69/month (about $0.50 cents), which should be excellent for you as a student.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Benefits of Blogging for Students

You’ve had questions (yep, I can read thoughts). Allow me to address a few of them.

Is it really feasible to make money blogging in 2023?

I’ve been blogging for approximately ten years. Yes, even in 2023, blogs have contributed to the majority of my net wealth.

How long does it take a student to start generating money with a blog?

It’s not an exact science. Depending on your niche/competition/effort/SEO improvements, it might take anywhere from 4 to 8 months. In reality, I would urge you not to expect any revenue for the first four months.

Can I create a free blog for you?

Both yes and no. I can create the blog for you for free (depending on availability and other considerations). I will not charge for the services I give or the time I devote to them. A successful blog, however, requires a domain name and reliable hosting. Those must be paid for.

What is the bare minimum for launching a successful blog?

The domain and the server are the two most expensive components. If you follow the links in this article (or hire me to develop your blog), the monthly fee will be Rs. 69. That, I suppose, is how most of you spend your days.

Do I have to be a computer expert to start a blog?

Certainly not. The majority of your blogging will be written, exactly like writing on Microsoft Word or any similar platform. Even SEO components like backlinking, content optimization, and competition research do not need a great deal of “technical knowledge.”

Finally, that’s all there is to it. I’m sure you see why you should blog as a student now, don’t you?

Please keep in mind that this is not a “ultimate list.” There are several more advantages to becoming a blogger.

That being said, let me assure you that it is not easy money. You won’t become a billionaire overnight, and it will take a lot of work.

However, when done correctly, it can have life-changing repercussions, as it did for me.

Are you still here? Create your own blog, or send me an email at and I’ll do it for free.

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