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Week 12 Head Of Household Results (Spoilers)

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  • Jag Bains has won the HOH competition two weeks in a row and plans to nominate Blue Kim and America Lopez.
  • Jag wants to avoid putting Felicia Cannon on the chopping block again.
  • Jag’s strategic gameplay has made him a target for the upcoming double eviction. If he survives, he has a good chance of winning Big Brother 25.

The Big Brother 25 Head of Household (HOH) competition has been played, and its winner is Jag Bains. Jag has now won HOH two weeks in a row because he was eligible to play again this week after being the invisible HOH last week. Although Jag divulged his secret to everyone in the house, which was his choice according to the rules, the rules also stated that Big Brother would never reveal his identity. Therefore, he would be allowed to play in the next HOH competition.

The Big Brother 25 live feeds have revealed that Jag has won the HOH competition. His target is the same as last week: Blue Kim. He plans to nominate Blue next to America Lopez. Jag blindsided America and her showmance Cory Wurtenberger by nominating them and backdooring Cory last week. This week, Jag doesn’t want to nominate Felicia Cannon as a pawn next to Blue because she’s been on the block five times already. Jag is thinking about putting Bowie Jane up as a replacement nomination pawn if either of the two nominees wins the Power of Veto.

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How The Double Eviction Could End Jag Bains’ Game

Although Jag has all of the power again right now, he’ll be in an extremely vulnerable position during Thursday night’s live double eviction. As the outgoing HOH, he’ll be ineligible to play during the double eviction, which will make him a sitting duck for the other players. If his Final 2 Minutemen ally Matt Klotz doesn’t win the second HOH, there’s a very good chance that he and Jag will be nominated. Without any time to campaign for himself, Jag will be in big trouble. If Jag doesn’t win the Power of Veto, he’ll most likely be headed to the jury house.

Jag is making the best decision he can for the position he’s in this week. He said that he doesn’t want new blood on his hands, so, by nominating Blue and America for the second week in a row, it will falsely appear that he’s following through with his plan to evict America. Even though his target is really Blue, if she wins the Power of Veto, he can easily cover his tracks. By keeping Felicia and Cirie Fields off of the chopping block for another week, he’s building favor with them as well. However, the double eviction could put an end to his game.

Jag has played a strategic game all season, and has had no problem turning on his allies. He used the Power of Veto during Bowie’s HOH, which led to Cameron Hardin’s eviction, and also nominated three of his allies this past week, Blue, America, and Cory. The only houseguest who fully trusts him is Matt, so Jag will have to be very careful moving forward. If Jag survives the double eviction this week, he has a very good chance of winning Big Brother 25.

Big Brother 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

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